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Year 1: P2 – Algebra and Functions

P2.1 Indices and Surds

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The first in a series of videos on indices and surds. In this video we look at laws of indices at a Year 1 A level standard

Step Two:


P2.1 Indices and surds

This stuff is the foundations for what’s to come, so it needs to be solid. Although much of it can be done with a calculator, examiners can always find a way around it in order to be able to check your skills, so it is well worth spending the time to ensure you know what you are doing.

P2.2 Quadratics

Step One:


The first in a series on Quadratics. This video deals with factorising and extends beyond GCSE

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P2.2 Quadratics

Check your knowledge of the basics of manipulating a factorised quadratic

Check your knowledge of discriminants by sketching quadratics

P2.3 Simultaneous equations

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P2.3 Simultaneous equations

3 Videos

The first video in the series which recaps the knowledge from GCSE then extents further into more complex forms. Essentially, the video gives guidance on which technique is most appropriate to use given the form of the equations in the question.

Step Two:


P2.3 Simultaneous Equations

All lot of this stuff can be done using the functions on your calculator … however, you need to know the skills, so do as much as possible without the numerical life support machine

P2.4 Inequalities

Step One:


The first video in the series on inequalities. This video gives an introduction to solving basic linear inequalities and explores the issues surrounding multiplying and dividing by negatives when solving.

Step Two:


P2.4 Inequalities

This is where we are starting to see a real step up from GCSE. The section extends the quadratic inequality work from GCSE as we all combining it with your understanding of discriminants and roots.

P2.5 Polynomials

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The first in the series on polynomials. Initially we will be looking at simplifying algebraic fractions.

Step Two:


P2.5 Polynomials

We are well beyond GCSE now … you’ll need to be able to factorise cubic expressions and equations as well as be able to complete algebraic long division and apply your understanding of factor theorem.  Lots to think about!

P2.6 Graph sketching

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P2.6 Graph sketching

3 Videos

The first in the series on sketching polynomial curves. This video runs quickly through quadratics and then extends to look at power 3 (cubic) curves and power 4 (quartic) curves.

Step Two:


P2.6 Graph sketching

This links together all you know about roots, equations and curves. You can make it easier by using your graphical calculator (and you absolutely should when it comes to the exam), but for now, you would be only be cheating yourself if you took the easy option now. Bottom line – you need to know and understanding this stuff properly so you are equipped with the skills to deal what’s to come later in the course.

Year 1 Algebra and Functions

Step One:


P2.7 Graph transformations

2 Videos

The first video on transforming graphs. This video recaps and formalises the content from GCSE, looking at translations, stretches and reflections.

Step Two:


P2.7 Graph transformations

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